"Tidings of Hope"

Monthly News Publication

Reminder of the Hope Church Fall Meatball Supper

tonight serving at 5-7pm. Adults: $18, 12 and under $7, Preschool: free. Take-outs available call 218-435-6765 or walk in and order. Come join us for this delicious meal prepared by the Women of Hope.

Meatball Supper with all the trimmings!

Discussion Groups: 

Bible Study:  Thursday’s at 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room (downstairs). Currently studying "The Book of Luke". Come one, come all!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Breakfast is Thursdays at 7:20 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall during the school year.  All students in grades 7-12 are invited!

Women of Hope: (1st Monday)  10am in the Fellowship Hall. Planning for Fall Meatball Supper, October 23rd.